Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. 

2719 Walnut Avenue
Evanston, IL, 60201
United States

(847) 328-7445

Pay Now

Click below to make a Payment with a credit card via Stripe

Make a Payment

Click below to make a payment with PayPal

(Also a credit-card option here NOT requiring logging onto a PayPal account.)

  • The best way for us (no fees!) for you to pay is is with Zelle (Chase QuickPay for some) to You can also use Venmo @paula-kamen

  • You may make a payment with a major credit or debit card using both options above, using our secure Stripe credit-card site or PayPal, which offers this option on the bottom of the screen following the first prompt to input your amount owed.

  • On Stripe, a few academic clients have been charged $1 before they can pay the full amount. This is a check by Stripe of your address listed as matching that of your university credit card. You should get that refunded in 7-10 days. You can go ahead immediately after paying the dollar to pay the full amount of your invoice.

  • The button on the next page for Stripe credit-card payment that says “contribution” is being fixed to say "payment" instead. You can still use that for now. Be assured it is not a donation or charitable contribution; it's a a payment for services. This setting allows clients the flexibility to enter any amount they wish whenever they want, such as a deposit in the middle of the night. Thanks!